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Debunking Common Diabetes Myths: Facts and Awareness


Given the prevalence of diabetes in today’s society, it’s inevitable that many myths surround the condition. Understanding the actual facts about diabetes can enhance your knowledge and awareness of how it affects people's lives.

Myth 1: Type 1 Diabetes is Serious and Type 2 is Mild

This is completely false. Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are serious conditions. The severity depends on how well the condition is managed. If not properly controlled, both types can lead to serious complications.

Myth 2: Everyone with Diabetes Will Eventually Go Blind

While diabetes is a leading cause of blindness in working-age adults in the UK, it is not inevitable. Many factors can be controlled to reduce the risk of eye damage, such as maintaining good blood sugar levels, regular eye exams, and a healthy lifestyle.

Myth 3: Having Diabetes Means You Cannot Do Certain Jobs

In most cases, this is simply not true. However, despite the Equality Act 2010, people with diabetes may still face restrictions in some areas of employment, such as the armed forces.

Myth 4: You Can’t Play Sport if You Have Diabetes

This myth is unfounded. People with diabetes are encouraged to engage in physical activity to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A notable example is Steve Redgrave, a multiple Olympic Gold Medal rower who has diabetes.


Understanding the facts about diabetes helps dispel common myths and promotes better awareness. It is important to recognise that with proper management and support, individuals with diabetes can lead healthy, active lives.