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When I first began testing my blood glucose levels, it was a daunting task. The idea of pricking my finger with what I imagined was a huge needle was intimidating, but in reality, the needle is tiny. Sitting there, I would think, "I'll do it in a minute," but it doesn't hurt as much as you'd expect.
I test my blood glucose levels two or three times a day. If I am experiencing a hypo or approaching a hyperglycaemic state, I test more frequently. Fingers can become sore, especially if you use the same pads repeatedly. I use my left hand since I'm right-handed, making it easier to handle the needle. It's a bit uncomfortable, but manageable.
Initially, I was very scared of injecting myself. At the hospital, they gave me a rubber ball to practise on. I inject into my stomach, though some prefer their legs. Injecting in the stomach is easier for me and doesn't really hurt. The idea that it stings is largely a myth; you get used to it quickly.
This is my diabetes case:
For instance, my reading came out at 7.8, a bit high. Ideally, it should be around 6. I'll monitor it throughout the day, test again after lunch, drink water, and use insulin if necessary to lower it.
If I need to take insulin, this is the pen I use: